Volume 20 · Issue 4
Kōgei Nyūsu
MaruzenApril 1952

Table of Contents
- 海外の玩具と雑貨Toys & Sundry goods from abroad2
- 室内を広く便利に使うにはHow to make the most of a limited space5
- 家具と室の問題Solution from the standpoint of Furniture9
- 空間と構成素材のマチエールRelation between space and it's partition materialsItō, Kisaburō15
- 日本楽器東京支店ビル雑感Interior of reconstructed "Nihon-ski" Tokyo Branch buildingKozuki, Kanichi17
- 事務用家具のJIS作品Some opinions about the office-furniture recognized by JISKurata, Chikatada27
- 不整形施削フルーツボールWood-turning method in iregular form: Fruit-bowl as an example30
- 設計基礎資料:コーヒー沸しCoffee-maker32
- ハーバート・リードとD.R.UHerbert Read and Design Research UnitKatsumi, Masaru34
- カラリング:狭い室内の配色計画Colouring: Proper use of colour makes a room seem yet largerHoshino, Shōichi37
- サブスケープ:デザインの近代性とは何かSubscape: What do you mean by "Modern" in talking of design?39
- 陶器Earthen-ware43
- 質問欄:マリナイトQuestions & Answers: Please give me information about "Marinite"42
- 海外・国内ニュースWorld news, Home news40
- Title
- 工芸ニュース
Kōgei Nyūsu
- English Title
- Industrial Art News
- Periodical
- 工芸ニュース
Kōgei Nyūsu
- Volume
- 20
- Issue
- 4
- Publication Date
- April 1952
- Language
- Japanese
- Media
- Cover artist
- Kamekura, Yūsaku
- Publisher
- Maruzen
- Editorial Department
- Industrial Art Institute
